Island AVNS, LLC en Sound Beach

Estados UnidosIsland AVNS, LLC



🕗 horarios

25, New York Avenue, 11789, Sound Beach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-886-7100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9563994, Longitude: -72.9684424

comentarios 5

  • en

    Christopher La Lima


  • en

    Frank Verdone


    Was referred to Island AVNS by a friend who was extremely satisfied with their service. PJ came by and gave us a very reasonable quote on a fire alarm system. I could not have been happier with the work they performed. 10/10 would recommend to anyone. Professional, Reasonable Pricing & EXCEPTIONAL customer service.

  • Mike Fortounas

    Mike Fortounas


    Fantastic customer service and great knowledge of the products that you need for your home. There was some criminal activity on my block that personally made me nervous but thanks to the help of Island AVNS I can now view any activity at anytime. Overall I am extremely satisfied and highly recommend!

  • en

    Jay Fo


    After having my house broken into this past year my family could hardly sleep, we were always on edge knowing it could happen again at any moment. Long story short we called up AVNS to have security cameras installed immediately. Needless to say PJ, who came and installed the cameras, was very quick and very professional (not to mention how adorable their prices were!). Now my family can sleep peacefully, thank you AVNS! You have my future business!

  • en

    Jared Potash


    Did a great job on my security cameras. Couldn't be happier with the installation.

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