Irvington Auto Sale & Service w Irvington

Stany ZjednoczoneIrvington Auto Sale & Service



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6, South Broadway, 10533, Irvington, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-591-4211
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.038492, Longitude: -73.865397

komentarze 5

  • Richard Cole

    Richard Cole


    Brought my car in to get a coolant hose replaced and they refused to work on the car at all. Guess me and my car aren't fancy enough for them. Took the job to another mechanic in town and the job got down the same day. Won't be returning to Irvington Auto ever or recommending them to anyone for anything.

  • Nicole Johns

    Nicole Johns


    Johnny and his team are the best for quality work on your vehicle. We also purchased a vehicle from Johnny and could not be happier, it was much less hassle and head ache than a high pressure dealership experience and we got a great car at a great price! Highly recommended!

  • Tyler B

    Tyler B


    Avoid this place if you can. Overpriced repairs that didn't last on my suburban. Also took my car for an inspection and they found "issues". Nothing wrong and the second mechanic I took the car to had no idea what they saw. He passed it without making any changes . Vague wording on the inspection sheet of "suspension issues". Stay away. Please.

  • en

    Nicholas Anicic


    Reliable, kind, humble mechanics. They helped me out when I needed them most. Great place.

  • en

    Colleen K


    Very honest and dependable mechanic. They are flexible on when they can take your car to work on, and always very accommodating. I can trust these guys.

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