Intelligent Kitchen w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneIntelligent Kitchen



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521, Amsterdam Avenue, 10024, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-501-8000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.787051, Longitude: -73.975224

komentarze 3

  • en

    Ariel Olevskiy


    The name "Intelligent Kitchen" perfectly reflects the character of the company! My wife and I worked with Lauren on designing new cabinets for our kitchen. We are super happy with the results as well as with the experience! Lauren is very easy to work with. She managed to both listen to what we wanted and steer us in the right direction as well as anticipate potential issues. One of the things that very impressed us was Lauren's attitude. She is proud of her work and stands by it. She cares not only about the aspects directly relevant to her but overall end result ie functionality, look and cost of the kitchen. Also she is very thoughtful, experienced and detail oriented which helped us find creative answers to nontrivial dilemmas with our small Manhattan kitchen. Lauren met .every deadline and commitment she made to us. Overall very happy with our choice of the company and the results. We recommend IKNY without any hesitation.

  • en

    Alex Bronstein


    We recently completed installation of our new kitchen made by Miralis. Lauren @ Intelligent Kitchen was recommended to us by friends who were already in the process of designing their kitchen with Lauren. We could not be happier with our choice. Intelligent Kitchen provided a combination of great value, quick turnaround (6 weeks vs. 3-4 months for comparable European-made kitchens) and excellent service. Lauren spent several hours meeting with us and helping to design our new kitchen. She provided great recommendations throughout the process that helped us optimize our space and get all the features we wanted in our kitchen. Lauren visited our apartment four times to make sure everything would be done correctly - to do the initial measurement, to meet with the general contractor to validate measurements, to accept delivery and make sure everything was correct, and finally to review the finished product. As in all construction projects we expected some hick-ups, but there were none with our kitchen project. The kitchen was delivered in 6 weeks, as originally promised. Nothing was missing, and everything was measured correctly. An installer recommended by Lauren came in an had everything done in less than 2 days. We have been using the kitchen for a few months now, and we are happy with the quality of the cabinets, and we love the final product. Therefore we are very happy to recommend Intelligent Kitchen, as well as Miralis (the manufacturer) for your kitchen project. I should add that our friends who recommended Intelligent Kitchen are also very happy with their kitchen.

  • en

    ellie Korrol


    Lauren , the designer at intelligent Kitchen ,is a very talented ,patient and lovely person. I was fortunate to find her to renovate my Manhattan small kitchen and will hire her for future renovations. I have a small kitchen in a Manhattan apartment and needed someone who was creative in designing small spaces . I saw several designers prior to Lauren to see if they could develop a plan using my ideas .They were unable to come up with an adequate design. I was then recommended to lauren by a neighbor who had her kitchen and bathroom redone by Lauren. I described to Lauren what I had wanted done ... And She came up with a fabulous plan . ! I'm enjoying my new kitchen immensely ! Friends came to see it and hired Lauren for their Kitchen renovation. If you want a creative , easy to work with designer who is very respectful And Gifted, go no further !

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