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2030, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-236-2555
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Latitude: 40.8086695, Longitude: -73.0034241

komentarze 5

  • en

    Natalie Cheung


    I have been practicing martial arts with IMAI for almost a decade now. I was reluctant in the beginning, because I assumed karate was about hurting people. I learned quickly that there is a whole lot more to it. My husband Sifu Kasey Cheung, and all the students in the classes, taught me to love martial arts and embrace all of its dynamic aspects. I have learned a lot over the past 9 years and hope to continue this journey for many more. The longevity of this school is a testament to the kindness, patience and discipline shown by the instructors and the students. These guys truly are a family, and I feel privileged to be a part of it!

  • en

    Louis Infantino


    My experience with Sensei kasey was awesome he is a excellent teacher and everyone in his class made me feel welcome and confident I highly recommend this class

  • en

    John Lawson


    Kasey cheung is a excellent teacher. This would be a great class to either start your martial arts study, or Add to the martial arts skills you already have regardless of style. I hold a second degree black belt in another art and I still value kasey's teachings. I've have witnessed his kids classes and the kids are taught discipline,martial arts, and they also seem to be having lots of fun. So go and check out one of his classes either for yourself or for your children.

  • Joe Bridgwood

    Joe Bridgwood


    In all of my years studying martial arts, Integrated Martial Arts Institute is by far the best school I have been to. There is a real sense of family and a warm inviting atmosphere. The instructor is awesome. He truly cares about his students and wants them to achieve greatness. This school holds a higher standard in values, principles, and training then others that often feed into the hype. If you want to truly learn proper technique, form, and have a real skill set, this is the place to be.

  • en

    Nectarios Mastres


    This martial arts school is a great school for all ages. I have all three of my kids in this school and I highly recommend it. The head instructor is very knowledgeable in martial arts. He has provided my kids with self esteem, discipline, confidence, and the ability to be able to denfend themselves.

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