Industrious Nashville Downtown en Nashville

Estados UnidosIndustrious Nashville Downtown



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414, Union Street, 37219, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 629-203-5900
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.1649101, Longitude: -86.7808709

comentarios 3

  • en

    Preston Spencer


    Blown away by the location of this office after having a chance to tour. The downtown skyline view alone should make any business or entrepreneur consider moving into what will be a true jewel once completed. Pricing is better than any other place I've toured in the area as well. Came away with complete confidence that the company cares not just about filling the space, but ensuring that each tenant feels valued and respected, with anything you would need to be successful.

  • Drew Hauser

    Drew Hauser


  • Gary Storts

    Gary Storts


    I visited the new Industrious offices in the Bank of America building this week, and while it wasn't completely built out yet, was quite impressed. Our tour guide demonstrated how an office at Industrious would improve our brand and professionalism of our company. I never imagined we could have an office with so many amenities... so many. We've looked for office space previously, and simply couldn't afford the rates for office space - and that was without the amenities included at Industrious. Score!!!

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