In The Zone Personal Fitness in Hicksville

Vereinigte StaatenIn The Zone Personal Fitness


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62, Bethpage Road, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-216-4279
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.774221, Longitude: -73.5210654

kommentare 4

  • en

    T M


    I love it here. I have worked out with other trainers before but this place is amazing. Her staff is friendly and they really listen to you. I go 3 times a week my results are great. I am tone and feel fantastic. Try them out. You won't go wrong.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    This is the most positive environment one can go to really get themselves back on track and feel good again! I have been coming here for a few years now, and I have always had the best time while working out very hard. I am the type of person who doesn't like to work out but Dr. Silver completely changed that, she is the most upbeat, inspirational person I have ever met, and I look forward to getting stronger and pushing my body to become even better.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    I was reluctant to come to a trainer at first. I was the typical "I can do it myself" type. I could not have been proven more wrong. After gaining 100+ pounds over 10 years, Dr. Silver helped me out of the rut I was in. She is a very positive influence who always has a kind word to say. I am glad to have signed up with Dr. Silver. I feel like I'm on the road to wellness with her! -Theresa S.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    Dr. Silver is very friendly and extremely helpful. I have had several surgeries and injuries over the years and gained a lot of weight due to that. I almost gave up until I met her and her staff. They are very positive and caring. They all turned me in the right direction. I have a wedding coming up and am not worried as I know they will get me back into shape despite all the obstacles that were in my way. The gym is very clean too, which is important. I really appreciate how caring and professional the office is. Thank you Dr. Silver and Staff for making my weight loss goals attainable!

nächste Gesundheit

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