In-Site Interior Design Inc w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneIn-Site Interior Design Inc


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845, 3rd Avenue, 10022, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-290-5232
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.75662, Longitude: -73.969755

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chris Hamilton


    I have gotten to know Elizabeth and her team at In-Site on a personal level and I have heard great things from several shared clients in the industry professionally. They have had excellent experiences with the team throughout the course of several projects and continue returning as satisfied customers. Their designs look beautiful, and the Luxury Home Collection is pure genius; high end design in an easily accessible package, with selections for every price point. From start to finish, In-Site handles every project with the utmost attention to detail while still remaining budget conscience.

  • en

    joel shtesl


    I just finished the third project working with Elizabeth and her team. Based on her work on the previous project at home as well as my office, I knew they would do a great job designing our new summer home. They lived up to our expectations and the spaces are just beautiful: elegant, bright, great details. It’s been a pleasure.

  • en

    Kenneth Kramer


    I've had the pleasure of working on many commercial projects with Elizabeth and her team and would not hesitate to recommend her. When looking for the WOW factor, In-Site Design brings delivers, whether it's when doing a one-person office to an entire 50,000sf facility. Every detail from the color scheme, furniture layout to the artwork are taken into account. Most importantly, Elizabeth provides the guidance while listening to the clients idea's from the start of the project to its completion.

  • Regan Wilders

    Regan Wilders


    Elizabeth Vaughn did an outstanding job helping us to update our home. She took great interest in what we interested in doing and solved tricky lighting and color issues. She is highly professional and personable. It was a pleasure working with her.

  • en

    Luis Sanchez


    This is a quick note to say how much I enjoyed using the Luxury Home Collection from In-Site Interiors. It was a pleasure to use and fun to see all the different themes that Elizabeth dreamed up. Oh and one more thing... I had some questions that needed answering before I placed my order and Mrs Vaughan was quick to get back to me and helped me select my items. Thanks again Elizabeth!

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