Imperial Kitchen and Bath i Edgewater

Forenede StaterImperial Kitchen and Bath



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898 River Rd, 2nd Floor, Edgewater, NJ 07020, США
kontakter telefon: +1 201-450-1546
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Latitude: 40.8258335, Longitude: -73.974529

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Hurwitz


    Excellent work and craftsmanship. Highly recommended for any bathroom/kitchen project.

  • en

    Camilo Cereijo


    Based on 2 previous renovation experiences we were extremely skeptical about jumping into another big project with a brand new company and we literally interviewed 6 different firms. Imperial stood out from the beginning and made a huge impression during their initial presentation at our home. After realizing that the other firms are way behind the ball we visited Tim and his assistant at his office for an in-depth presentation. Somehow during their visit they noticed that we are avid Starbucks drinkers and we had Caramel Macchiatos waiting for us in the conference room along with many other snacks. Wow. This sure had my husband on the hook. When we finished the very detailed scope of work, design and product presentation via POWERPOINT!!! I was sold as well and we signed. The renovation, shopping, and project progress experience was just as impressive and organized step by step. Kudos to Tim and his team.

  • Oren Manshirov

    Oren Manshirov


    We hired Imperial Kitchen & Bath for a complete redesign/renovation of our 2 bedroom apartment (aprox 2000sq ft.). Amazing attention to detail and incredibly responsive. Aside from a couple of minor hiccups we found out along the way in our condo (all projects of this scale will have 'em), they far exceeded all of our expectations and would immediately turn to them if we were to have any additional renovation needs. We felt like they REALLY held our hand all the way and made us EXTREMELY HAPPY. These guys are full service -- from creating the design to following through in making it exactly as it was planned. Everyone at this company, from the person answering the phone to the owners care and work hard to make one's renovations go smoothly.‎ Thanks to everyone that was involved!

  • en

    Felicia Berger


    I am so happy that we chose Imperial Kitchen & Bath to do our kitchen and family room renovation. Not only is the outcome of the project stunning, but the whole experience was really positive. Tim is a great guy to work with. He was always reachable and quickly responded to all of our needs every step of the way. We also loved his design ideas. He helped make the project fun and stress-free. I highly recommend using Imperial Kitchen & Bath for any home renovation.

  • Jessica Silverstein

    Jessica Silverstein


    I hired Tim at Imperial Kitchen & Bath to redesign my master bath and design a new powder room. Tim has, at all times, been professional, efficient and smart. It's clear when working with him personally and when watching him deal with his colleagues in my home and at vendors, that he truly knows the products he recommends and has the experience to answer any questions. My contractor and professionals at two vendors sought me out to comment on Tim's professionalism, product knowledge and design esthetic. The very few times design issues arose, Tim either handled the person or problem immediately and kept me in the loop. I never had to repeat myself and was pleasantly surprised throughout the project when Tim suggested a product that was ideal for our space and in our price range. I realize that is his job, however having worked with other designers it was refreshing not to have to repeatedly remind anyone what we like and what we can spend. Imperial Kitchen & Bath truly is a full service design firm.

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