Impact Printz en Garden City South

Estados UnidosImpact Printz



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301, Nassau Boulevard South, 11530, Garden City South, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-358-1970
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.714959, Longitude: -73.660933

comentarios 5

  • Tonya Garland

    Tonya Garland


    Truly professional job. Had shirts for my husband's MMA school, and they flew of the shelves. The design came out great, and the quality was spot on.

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    Eddie Lacken


    They do an amazing job on my teams roller hockey jerseys. Great prices and the friendliest people

  • Christine Lawton

    Christine Lawton


    I will never use another company. I ordered so amazing shirts and they were done on time. My issue was that a shirt did not fit one of my students. They went beyond the extra mile to make sure I had something for my student to wear. They stayed beyond their hours kept me posted on every step of the process. They are amazing and happy to have them in the area!!!

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    Jay Cee


    Best T-shirt company around. They have the best prices and are extremely friendly. I have been using them for years now. Highly recommend their services

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    Пользователь Google


    I've purchased shirts and sweatshirts from Your T Shirt Co in Franklin Square for my girl scout troop several times===excellent service and quality! You can't beat their prices either!

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