IMM on H Thai and Sushi Bar w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneIMM on H Thai and Sushi Bar



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1360, H Street Northeast, 20002, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-748-5536
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9003709, Longitude: -76.9862833

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kimberley Yates


    The food is exquisite, the serving staff delightful, and the ambiance intimate. One of my favorite restaurants in the city, even/especially as a vegan!

  • Courtney Bryan

    Courtney Bryan


    Love...Love...LOVE this place! I typically get shrimp pad thai or their signature sushi roll! Great service and good mood food!

  • Freddie Dunn

    Freddie Dunn


    The food was excellent. Tasty sushi, hot pepper shrimp, yellow curry, were all standouts. The service was so-so, with front of house good, but issues with delivery to table. I don't know if it was kitchen or wait staff, but there were long delays between courses, and some guests who arrived after we'd been seated were finished before we were served. There was also a leak from the ceiling above a table near ours. In summary, we enjoyed the food, but they've got a few kinks to work out. I think they'll get there. Food 4 stars; overall 3.5 and rising.

  • Jonathan Levering

    Jonathan Levering


    Easily one of the best Thai restaurants in the district. I've always found Pad Thai to be a difficult dish to ruin but even more difficult to get just right. They do get it right as well as many other Thai classics like Panang Curry. Their soups are also an impressive standout. Everyone in our party had a remarkable meal. I highly recommend this place.

  • Onyinyechi An

    Onyinyechi An


    I love Thai food and make it a point to try various Thai restaurants. I order the same meal every where I go. IMM Thai is a good restaurant. Custom service is good. I don't like how/where some of there tables are located. One is right by the door/register. Every transaction/people passing I lose my appetite a little. Another time they sat me right under stairs and again every time someone went upstairs I just felt the particles falling in my food. I wish they would be less concerned about squeezing as many people in their establishment and more about the customer experience. If they fix that I would give them 5 stars.

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