Image Driving School w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneImage Driving School



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9621, Flatlands Avenue, 11236, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-922-2600
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.643659, Longitude: -73.901067

komentarze 5

  • Joyce Lewis

    Joyce Lewis


    I was pleased with the services I received at IMAGE DRIVING SCHOOL. The representatives was very helpful & courteous. Although I failed my first Road Test with no fault with my Instructor Bernard, I passed the second Road Test. Bernard was patience & instructed me on what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear which enable me to drive better. Thank you to the Team at IMAGE DRIVING SCHOOL.

  • Meredithe Mckellar

    Meredithe Mckellar


    Image Is great! They have great prices! They’re very understanding with scheduling lessons and paying on your selected packages! The 5hr class instructor is amazingly down to earth, made everything easy to comprehend. I took lessons with Abraham, he’s simply outstanding! I passed my road test the first time! He’s great at making you feel at ease, an his learning style is great! If Abraham isn’t available Ernest is equally great! Also the owner is such a nice guy! As well as all the support staff!

  • en

    Sarah Lin


    Very nice and friendly drivers, but not worth your money. If you have a family member or friend who can drive you around, don't bother going to these people. They are nice but don't actually offer and driving tips. Just watch you and criticize you when you make mistakes. They are also NOT respectful of time and not accommodating. The end time of their 5 hour classes are not accurate, you might have to be there for another 30 minutes later. Not accommodating to people who have tight schedules. If you need to leave even 5 minutes earlier they will not give you your certificate. Friendly staff, but I'd prefer rudeness with flexibility over friendly and not accommodating.

  • Elecia F

    Elecia F


    Image Driving School helped me in passing my road test. I was uncomfortable with my parallel parking and thanks to Junior, I was able to execute it though I was pretty terrified when I actually had to do it on the test day. I drove at Starrett City and the examiner had failed everyone prior to me knowing this made me nervous. Their five hour class also reinforced the rules of the road and the talk at the end by the owner gave me an heads up as what to expect. He was pretty comical too! Gave it a four star cause they told me to get there at 8 am for my 9 am appointment and up till 8:49am the driving instructor had not arrived.(It was not Junior!) Otherwise they are good.

  • Doris Marrero

    Doris Marrero


    I learn all my moves in one day by my instructor I rented a car the day before my road test just to get familiar with the car we drove around for an hour and a half and in that hour and a half I learned three new steps that I did not know and because of my instructor showing me what I was doing wrong and what would make me fail my road test it's because of him I passed. I swear I did not have no idea that I was going to pass I was a little sure of myself but in the back of my head I had doubts. I was so happy to pass my road test and get my license. I am thankful and grateful. I will recommend this company to anyone that wants to pass a road test. Ty so much for The Learning Experience

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