IBC Bank w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneIBC Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

500, West 5th Street, 78701, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-397-4506
strona internetowej: www.ibc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2688431, Longitude: -97.748206

komentarze 5

  • Giulia Mayhua

    Giulia Mayhua


    Super nice and helpful staff. It was 10 minutes till closing and they took their time and stayed patient with my inquiries. The building is very nice and parking is never a hassle.

  • Crystal Chidsey

    Crystal Chidsey


    Called IBC to ask about their savings interest rates. Leslie, the bank manager, arrived at my place of business the following day to personally go over the interest rates with me. He answered multiple questions for me, and was extremely knowledgeable and nice. I do not bank with IBC, but I can and do appreciate customer service on that level! Thank you Leslie!

  • Brad Bogus

    Brad Bogus


    TL;DR - If you're not into reading this whole review, here's the short of it: rude personnel, LONG waits every single time for the simplest of deposits, a hold on every check you deposit EVEN IF the check you're depositing is issued from the SAME BANK, unannounced closures, no online deposits or any online conveniences you'd expect of a modern bank, inconvenient locations. This is THE WORST bank I've ever experienced. Before you think I'm being hyperbolic, know that I really wanted to like this bank. When we chose to switch our business and personal accounts over to this bank, the sales woman was sooo compelling, helpful and delightful. It really seemed they would take great care of us. After suffering their service for an entire year, we're finally going to take the excruciating step of removing our account from IBC and transferring into a new bank. And we wouldn't be doing this if after this year, time and time again, this bank failed to perform even the most basic task in a reasonable or acceptable manner. I'll list a few off the top of my head: Needed to deposit IBC issued company check into IBC personal account - 20 minutes in the drive-through and a 1 day hold on the deposit because "that's just our policy" Randomly closed on a non-federal holiday mid-week with no explanation or announcement of closure. The only way I can get my deposits from my IBC company bank account checks into my IBC personal bank account the same day is to ask the bank to take my check, cash it, and then deposit the cash into my account. THEY told me that was the only way to avoid the nonsensical hold. So now when I come in to do that, each person acts like they've never heard of that and will even say "I don't think we can do that, I'll check for you". Never mind that it's their policy AND advice. It always takes at least 15 minutes. Thought it was just a one-off thing, but EVERY drive through experience is the slowest, most annoying experience ever. I've often pulled up and sent my carrier in to just watch at this underground teller tube and blank screen. These experiences can often take as long as 10 minutes, NO LIE. Then, once they get to me, take another 5-10 minutes just to process a simple deposit. Every time. The quickest stop through their drive through is 10 minutes, and it's happened ONCE. I can still go on and on. I won't belabor you that much description, but know that these are indicative of every other experience we've ever had there. Avoid this bank at all costs, if you have any other options.

  • Mike Perkins

    Mike Perkins


    this is by far the worst bank I have ever used!!!! my company has be a customer for over 4 years and when I tried to get our cash they refused me ???? WHY you may ask because they did not have thousand dollars!!!!!!!!!!! I have well over 5k in my account and the bank manager has the mind to ask me what are you going to use it for? who do they think they are??? how dare they it is my money I made it, I will spend it as I pleases...... and more over I need my money to run my business people lose there jobs if I don't have money to pay them!!!!!! after 4 years of working threw there games I have had it we are never going to uses this ScamBank again!!!!! if you have money in this bank GET OUT if I cant even get 5K out how LOW do you think the vault is? we are moving all of our accounts with them to other banks.

  • Justin C.

    Justin C.


    This bank completely botched a simple wire transfer to the title company for closing on my new house They claimed my wife never updated her last name on the account after we were married so the signatures did not match. She had it updated around a year ago. Her debit card reflects the name change. We were not even notified until the title company let us know. I could have potentially lost out on my new home. A month ago they also took one week to post a cashier's check. I would highly recommend using another bank, or even storing your money in a shoe box. I'm not sure if the problem is incompetence or them holding my money in a foreign account to earn interest for "El Chapo" or what, but I'm so done with this place. The tellers and the manager Les were very friendly.

najbliższy Bank

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