I-Maxx Exchange Cabinets & Floors en Montebello

Estados UnidosI-Maxx Exchange Cabinets & Floors



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8033, Slauson Avenue, 90640, Montebello, Los Angeles County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 323-201-9977
sitio web: imaxxexchange.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9759192, Longitude: -118.1224589

comentarios 5

  • ko

    taehyun han


  • Vanessa Estrada

    Vanessa Estrada


    Had a great experience shopping here for laminated wood flooring for my new home. The staff was very friendly from the start and really helpful. I would highly recommend this place. I'm loving my new floors. Thank you!

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    Jessica Estrada


    This place is seriously awesome! I had no clue as to what i was doing while shopping for cabinets for my new small condo! I walked in here on a whim and they helped me figure it all out! They helped me come up with a design that best fit my teeny kitchen for the most storage i didn't think was possible! Thank you people at Imaxx! You guys are awesome! Im beyond happy!

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    Zhening Luo


    I highly recommend these folks. I had a big, somewhat complex renovation project coming up involving multiple rooms. When I came in, everyone was very nice and professional, and they ended up helping me figure out exactly what cabinets and flooring I needed. The entire process from walking in to placing my order was painless and delightful. Such a great experience, definitely coming back here again if I ever need more flooring or cabinets.

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    Jesse Pak


    New and ready for business! The people were very nice and helped me throughout the process of getting new floors for my house.

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