I-Ам-Парк w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneI-Ам-Парк



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Jackson Avenue, 10455, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej: www.nycgovparks.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8112768, Longitude: -73.910178

komentarze 5

  • en

    Elishua Martinez


  • Mudirkatu Ibrahim

    Mudirkatu Ibrahim


    It's really nice because you can walk your dogs and there are places that you can do your exercises. Memories can be build there.💓💕

  • Xzavier Woodson

    Xzavier Woodson


    Great to play basketball

  • Eddie Sant

    Eddie Sant


    I remember... I used to play basketball and hang out here in the early 70's shortly after it was built, and also hangout across the street at what use to be I.S. 155 during the summer programs or "Day Camp." There was another program ran during the school year where a couple of police officers from the 40th used to volunteer at the district basketball program and other sports. It was all part of the PAL. I also spent a lot of time in St. Mary's Park and Recreation center back in the day. My family use to bring my siblings and I here as early as the late 40's, early fifties into the 60's when Bocce ball was still popular in that part of the Bronx. I remember eating Cap,n Crunch the day the small plane crashed into the hill in the park off 149th street just missing the Moore Houses...September 15, 1967. Lotta' life lived in the Bronx.

  • Elvis Delahoz

    Elvis Delahoz


    I have never visited this side of the park but I have been to the St Mary's Recreation Center on the West side of the park. That facility offers all kinds of activities. They renovated the swimming pool area and offer swimming, Dance and Karate classes. This maybe the only park facility with an active chess club which meet on Saturday's [ kids and adults play separately] And as of 2013 they offer Robotics programming with LEGO for kids.

najbliższy Park

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