I-70 Mobile Home Park w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneI-70 Mobile Home Park


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3023, West Morris Street, 46241, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-661-7577
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.749725, Longitude: -86.2107871

komentarze 5

  • en

    jeff melton


    peaceful places and a lot of fun

  • Edward Muns

    Edward Muns


    That area of trailer parks is trash their maintenance men are lazy and never keep their properties up to date with renovations you have to beg argue and complain or just get behind on your rent and you will get their up most attention. I grew up there as a kid that was my stomping grounds I was growing up the older I got the more the neighborhood went to trash there's always drug addicts police bus or something absolutely dangerous going on way too close to home for my comfort. You could not in fact pay me to live over there to rent or own.

  • en



    The management / ownership here is crooked, mean and they lie. My wife (who has bipolar 1 mental illness) left our Mobile Home that we both own on March 19, 2018. She moved in with another man in the same Park, of which she is NOT on the lease. I've told management this, and they have done NOTHING ABOUT IT. They said they were going to evict me because I was very upset and texting them about the situation. I thought she would not be able to live there because she's already on the lease and part owner of our trailer. Well, today is April 10, 2018 and she is till living in the other trailer. She's now having her mail forwarded. I've called another trailer park and they said they do have a lease agreement that says you cannot do what my wife has done. Are the actions of the management criminal or not? They lied to me saying she cannot stay in the other trailer but they have DONE NOTHING.

  • en

    Nathana Bunch


    Great place very helpful when purchaseing a trailer

  • en



    It's up and coming its a nice place to live.

najbliższy RV park, pole namiotowe

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