Hyatt House Seattle/Bellevue w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneHyatt House Seattle/Bellevue



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3244, 139th Avenue Southeast, 98005, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-747-2705
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.5806756, Longitude: -122.1541412

komentarze 5

  • Lisa Miller

    Lisa Miller


    The front desk was pleasant. Sharon was very friendly and I had a nice conversation with her. The lobby and the room were very clean and the bed was nice. It has a nice pool and hot tub. Their breakfast was good for a motel. I would recommend it to others.

  • Nelly Delgado

    Nelly Delgado


    My family really enjoyed our stay at this hotel!! My kids loved the pool and fire pit! The room was super clean and we loved the free breakfast in the morning. The staff was so welcoming and professional! I would highly recommend the cucumber margarita from the restaurant!! Can’t wait to visit again!!

  • Phillip Wong

    Phillip Wong


    Overall pretty good hotel with friendly service, especially the breakfast staff, but being a long-term hotel, you would think they would have a variety for breakfast. It is basically the same thing every morning, but they switch bacon and sausage links, and hash browns or diced potatoes, everything else is the same. They don't have biscuits and gravy, rice, grits, or any of the other types of breakfasts that I've experienced at other hotels that aren't even long term stays. They could have some more variety like the things stayed above, or Chilaquiles, any veggies, congee or anything that isn't the same old thing every day. Seems like a clean place. The gym is fairly limited, but standard for a hotel.

  • Jeff Curran

    Jeff Curran


    Everything was wonderful except for the coffee. The rooms were clean and spacious, the staff were amazing, the pool was fun, and the buffet was excellent. But the coffee was really bad. I think for the price, the coffee shouldn't be the cheap stuff. Ended up having to go to a Starbucks nearby.

  • Kendall Bartsch

    Kendall Bartsch


    This hotel is very nice. Well maintained, clean and offers a fabulous American breakfast. There is a coffee bar available all the time, and a pool and gym you can go to. The rooms are well maintained and smell clean, as they are. Room offer a small kitchenette, with utensils and dishes. The tv offers a Chromecast so you can watch all your streaming accounts. This hotel is just located off the I-90 and is easy to get to, and it's only a 20 minute drive to Seattle city centre, of you prefer not to stay in the heart of the city, as I prefer a less crowded area. I would recommend staying here, and would definitely come back.

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