Husniye Dogan, DDS w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneHusniye Dogan, DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

225, Lakeview Avenue, 07011, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-253-3500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.882759, Longitude: -74.137269

komentarze 5

  • en

    Casey Jackson


    Doctor Dogan is the best dentist I’ve ever met. She is very kind and compassionate. She treated all my family. She even gave a blanket to my daughter when she felt a little cold. She applies lip balm to the patient before treatment, gave a sunglass for the direct light of the treatment chair. She supplies every necessary thing. Additionally, her office, treatment rooms, everywhere is too clean. All the staff are very nice...

  • en

    guzin bayraktarlar


    Absolutely the most awesome dentist I’ve ever met! Dr. Dogan’ professional warm caring personality is comforting. There is something about her gentle hands that makes me feel at ease in the dental chair. I look forward to future visits! Me and all family members are lucky that having such a wonderful dentist. Thank you doctor and staff for giving us a warm welcome!

  • Yusuf D

    Yusuf D


    Awesome experience! Staff is kind and friendly and actually care. Office looks fantastic. Best of all it was painless! Thanks guys

  • Joel Padilla

    Joel Padilla


    Today was my first time at New Smile Dentistry, and I can honestly say that my experience was very positive. As someone who was very apprehensive regarding dental work, Dr. Husniye Dogan was very attentive to my comfort levels, and I appreciated it a great deal. I'm glad that I was introduced to this practice. I highly recommend that you visit this practice for an assessment and or x-rays, and witness the atmosphere and great care that I experienced during my first visit at New Smile Dentistry.

  • en

    Max Valverde


    Are there people out there that do not enjoy Disney World ? You bet , it"s the kind of people that would write a negative review abut this place. I consider this a dream place , where more than your expectations are met. It is always a pleasure to be a customer here and will continue to be as long as possible .

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