Hughes Motors Corp Auto Repair w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneHughes Motors Corp Auto Repair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

493, Central Park Avenue, 10705, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-237-1571
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9206578, Longitude: -73.8668438

komentarze 5

  • Shaun Thompson

    Shaun Thompson


    I went to the shop with a major problem my own manufacturer “Nissan” could’nt resolve. First day met with the owner and he made me feel so secure with leaving my vehicle in his hands, kept me updated on everything. The whole time I was thinking it was a transmission issue and he notified me within 1 day that it wasn’t, giving me a huge relief. Hands down I will always come here with any issues with my vehicle. Plus bring my friends and family when they experience car problems.

  • Jeffrey Chou

    Jeffrey Chou


    Easily the best garage in the neighborhood. Always get great service and I always feel like I am being told the truth. Very trustworthy mechanics.

  • Fonzie Mengold

    Fonzie Mengold


    These guys are usually solid. I was just there too have a car repaired that I was selling. The turnaround was a bit slow but the work was good as usual. I will keep coming here as long as they keep fixing things right and offering good prices.

  • Jcx



    Good service. Price is average but they get the job done correctly. Timing belt done properly Rotors done good It’s the trust and quality of work you’re paying for. Happy to bring in more customers

  • julia cuffy

    julia cuffy


    This is my regular mechanic shop. Kevin and Leslie are great. My car is always taken care of on time and even if I have an emergency, they will still make time to help me. Having a car can be pricey but they make you feel comfortable with whatever work is being done. Will recommend to family and friends. Thanks guys, keep up the good service and good work.

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