Hudson Hil's Café w Cold Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneHudson Hil's Café



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129-131, Main Street, 10516, Cold Spring, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-265-9471
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4184856, Longitude: -73.9568995

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kenneth Scaggs


    Put your name in and know that the wait will be worth it! With a menu as eclectic as it's patrons, you'll make it a point to hot this spot every time you're in town. Tip: if you're looking to have an adult beverage, you'll want to make that known to the host(ess). Half of the establishment is dry and the other half serves alcohol. It's a weird zoning issue thing but as with everything, knowing is half the battle!

  • en

    S. McNair


    This is a top notch breakfast spot! We were a party of (3), and each of us ordered something different to give us a good sample. Needless to say, EVERYTHING was tasty! The coffee, food, and service were excellent. I highly recommend.

  • Moto Poet Society

    Moto Poet Society


    This is such a great hidden gem - staff is cordial, attentive, and know their menu very well. Food is delicious and always fresh. Price tends to be a bit high but never disappointed to spend an extra dime here. Locations is great having many thrift stores in the surrounding area - and after a great meal make sure you walk down to the train station and ejoy the beautiful Hudson view!

  • Mike Thomas

    Mike Thomas


    We were there today, Saturday 5/12. It was first time we were there and it was WONDERFUL!!! The staff were friendly and most accommodating. The food was BEYOND DELICIOUS!!!! We will definitely be back.

  • Christel Wilson

    Christel Wilson


    If you love great breakfast food, GO HERE! I am a huge fan of biscuits with sausage gravy and this place blew all others completely out of the water! Also had the chocolate banks French toast - equally amazing! Hil's was busy and buzzing through our whole visit, but it wasn't a terrible wait time, was well worth the wait, the staff was amazing and the food was the absolute BEST!

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