Huddy Park i Highlands

Forenede StaterHuddy Park


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329, Bay Avenue, 07732, Highlands, Monmouth County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.4048384, Longitude: -73.9942872

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Chris Ronan

    Daniel Chris Ronan


    Neat park, good for children. They have a jungle gym and a swing set. You can also find lots of "Kindess Rocks" in the park. It's a Facebook thing.

  • en

    Horace Pearson


    Small park, but very nice . I was there to participate in the Ride New York Twin Lights Bike Tour. Had wonderful day, excellent weather conditions and chance to meet other cyclist. Park is large enough to accommodate the few thousand cyclists that were in the tour.

  • en

    Theresa Meire


    Fenced in playground with a pretty gazebo and really lovely flowers. Some nice shade trees and a water fountain.

  • Vanessa Heyward

    Vanessa Heyward


    It was great it was our first time there,the people where so friendly the food was great and the games were awesome cant wait until next year...

  • Sarah Ronan

    Sarah Ronan


    It's a nice place to come with your spouse or significant other to take a nice stroll or eat lunch at the picnic benches. But as for taking your kids to play there on the playground, it's one of the smallest, & mundane parks in the whole county. There is one regular swing & one baby swing. The jungle gym to play on is very boring. Only one slide, a little steering wheel & one of those spiral poles to climb up or down on. Even my 2&1/2 yr old gets bored with this park quick.

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