HubcapJoes en Oradell

Estados UnidosHubcapJoes



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90, Kinderkamack Road, 07649, Oradell, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-262-0702
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.944279, Longitude: -74.0287013

comentarios 5

  • Michael Carroll

    Michael Carroll


    Great guy and great service. The best store for hubcaps by far.

  • Vicky Geagan

    Vicky Geagan


    Hub cap Joes is a great business I am restoring a classic car and the hubcaps I needed for my project are very rare and hard to find and Joe was able to find them for me in the right size for my rims of the make model and year of my car and his price for the set was extremely reasonable including the shipping and handling I highly recommend him and his business

  • en

    Joel Dodson


    Excellent customer service. Great selection. He had the hubcap I needed at a fair price and he was friendly and funny. I would definitely recommend this shop. Lots of American made OEM parts.

  • Gently Loved Brands

    Gently Loved Brands


    Hubcap Joe's brick and mortar shop and ebay store by the same name, are the place to go if you want to know, for certain, that you are purchasing high quality - Made in the USA only - hubcaps. Joe provides the best in customer service every step of the way. If you want the best American Made hubcaps with the best customer service around, you can't do better than Hubcap Joes!!

  • en

    Richard Head


    Joe is a knowledgeable and caring person. Beautiful shop for a variety of wheel covers and a great owner! Thanks Joe! I highly recommend this honest seller!

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