HSBC Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneHSBC Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2063, Frederick Douglass Boulevard, 10026, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 800-975-4722
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8018625, Longitude: -73.9574703

komentarze 5

  • en

    Walter Vickerie


    They're a small branch so I'll give them a pass but I can honestly say I'll never use it for more than their ATMs

  • Thomas E. Moore III

    Thomas E. Moore III


    Staff always friendly & never a wait.

  • Debra Harmon

    Debra Harmon


    Convenient location in Manhattan. Has 24 hour ATMS with deposit capabilities.

  • en

    jennifer solis


    Horrible please do not bank with HSBC I opened a account here and the lady at the Harlem branch on Fredrick Douglas, did not put my apartment number on the account so I never got my debit card I fount letters in my building thrown by the mailbox, so i called CS there is no option to get account information. And all the repersentives are Indianas who don't no anything!!!!! I called on a Thursday they told me I have to wait till the next day for someone to call me to verify my apartment number no one never called.. I called back the followning day after 5pm and the rep told me she now needs to speak to the branch where I opened my account and they were closed so now I have to wait till Monday to see if ether the verification department calls me or call back and have them contact the branch or go to the brand my self!!! I'm so mad like they need to upgrade and give out cards at the branch like every other bank this is not a good look for a new coustermer!! No to mention after they verify I have to wait 7-10 days for the card in the mail!!!

  • adrian morris

    adrian morris


    Worst brand ever!!!!! They have no idea what is customer service. Visited three times and it took about 30 mins to withdraw money from the teller when there was only one guest in front of me. I fully understand HSBC keeping my money safe but asking me tons of question after they have my IDs are unnecesaary.

najbliższy Bank

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