H&R Block w Bethesda

Stany ZjednoczoneH&R Block


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

6831, Wisconsin Avenue, 20815, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 240-497-0182
strona internetowej: www.hrblock.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9783138, Longitude: -77.0905173

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lara Morga


    The tax preparer who did my taxes seemed to be in rush trying to catch up with his appointment and didn't take time to do my taxes. As a result, we had to file amended return 1040x. I hope this will serve as a lesson to everybody. Rushing could do more harm than good.

  • en

    Saad Zaatari


    Horrible service and rude. Made an appointment after asking over the phone several times of they provide services from small businesses for which the answer was yes. Arrived and staff rudely informed me that they don't offer such services. "Master tax" adviser had no idea what he was talking about when referencing which tax documents were necessary. Would never come back here or another H&R block.

  • Borys Pierov

    Borys Pierov


    Filled my taxes twice here - loved the service.

  • en

    Edgar Gonzalez


    Stay away! Unprofessional, incompetent, and untrained people working here. Had a 3:00 pm appointment but was not helped til 3:35 pm. The guy I worked with was a novice. On top of misspelling my name over and over had a poor overall demeanor. Horrible Place!

  • Carolyn Thompson

    Carolyn Thompson


    Bait and switch. The contractors don't seem to like the fact that the promotion states that they will review the taxes for a nominal fee. Same issue in the 5530 Chevy Chase branch

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