H&R Block w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneH&R Block



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
610, North Wellwood Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-957-5404
strona internetowej: www.hrblock.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7017025, Longitude: -73.384273

komentarze 4

  • True Review

    True Review


    I give it one star..not because of the service. The reason is that while doing my taxes and speaking to the nice gentleman, the nosybody lady that works there in the next cubicle easedropping had to rudely interrupt...With her big belly hanging over her dirty jean shorts .....began her political tirade..incessantly she continued,getting louder and louder as if that would make a believer in her political thoughts..Several times i asked her to cease her rant to no avail..Not until her supervisor had to tell her to quiet did she stop....go figure.....

  • en

    Shonece White


    My appointment was at 12 with David, got there at 11:55, watched 3 other walk ins get taken in before the receptionist says Rich will take you in a few minutes, David is just winding up,whatever that meant. Maybe it had something to do with my complexion and head wrap since everyone other walk in was Caucasian. Wish i could give this place no stars...took my business elsewhere. Suggest you do the same.




    This office is the worst. I got here on time for my appointment and checked in. The lady I'm supposed to see takes someone else that's here even though her appointment was waiting. Another woman was available but they called her appointment and he said he was showing up. He showed up 20 minutes late and was rewarded with someone to help him. Now I'm still sitting here like an idiot and half hour after my appointment. Last year I walked out 30 minutes after waiting. I've been to 4 other locations without incident.

  • en

    Joshua David


    Have previously gone there, this would've been the third year, have had my taxes prepared with h&r periodically before that, walked - in on a Tuesday morning (that's when I have time) my usual tax person was available during the evening, I'd rather get it over with than wait any longer, so the lady at the desk told me to wait until one of the guys was free, didn't wait long maybe 10 minutes, guy (not mentioning names) seems friendly go over all the paperwork figure out what I'm getting, what I owe, I decided the fee to be withdrawn from the tax return itself, for which I'm told it usually takes approx. 5 more days & has an additional $45 fee to it, which is kind of a bitter pill to swallow, so I told the guy I would prefer to come back in that case, when I've the funds to pay the fee in hand, by this time he has my paperwork in a folder stapled & in an envelope, he says sure not a problem, I ask him for my paperwork, I'm not leaving that stuff with anybody, I don't know when I'm coming back or who I'll get to see, the guy just casually takes all the paperwork out of the envelope, removes the staple & hands me all the paperwork at this point the w2s are separated & it's pretty windy outside, one of w2s was in an envelope, the other one had the 2 detachable strips on the side, not to mention we're by the front desk where they even have empty envelopes kept at the counter for customers to use, nothing not a single offer or courtesy oh you're walking outside with loose paperwork in your hand, let me see what I can do, no customer appreciation, literally takes all the paperwork out of the prepared envelope & folder & said here you go, as I said I've been goin to h&r block for quite some time, first the one in Massapequa mall in sears, then for the past 2-3 years to the one lindenhurst next to outback, thanks for the business h&r block, never again

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