H&R Block w Deer Park

Stany ZjednoczoneH&R Block


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1850, Deer Park Avenue, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-242-0004
strona internetowej: www.hrblock.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7594501, Longitude: -73.328662

komentarze 4

  • Shawniece Ellerbe

    Shawniece Ellerbe


    Front desk employee was not knowledgeable of her job. Agents were not of any help either. I will not deal with H&R block every again. Service was a unnecessary headache. Two thumbs down.

  • en

    Regina S


    Mr. Joseph Labarca is excellent doing my tax.. His customer service is full of empathy and detail oriented, he listens what I need and for sure I'll come back doing my taxes with him.

  • Diana Hernandez

    Diana Hernandez


    One of my worst experiences. I filed with Taghrid, who was very pleasant. Now I need help again after receiving an IRS notice and all my messages have gone unanswered. I've called several times, but I haven't gotten anywhere. Now the office is closed and all the other locations are too far. Take my advice, file online!

  • S G

    S G


    Joe LaBarca is the best. He was the H&R representative who did my taxes in 2014. For that year, I had to file taxes in 3 separate states. Joe did it with no problem at all. In 2015, I had another rep. do my taxes so that I can get them done "early." Needless to say, my tax paperwork was not completely properly and seem to be much more complicated than expected. Joe not only gone through my file to see what the other rep. had done, but he went ABOVE and beyond to help me. After spending some time there, I left my tax information with him and received a call two days later that he had figured out the issue and completed everything I needed. I would suggest that anyone who issues this H&R Block location to ask for Joe LaBarca!

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