Howard I Cohen OD i Franklin Square

Forenede StaterHoward I Cohen OD



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828, Hempstead Turnpike, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-354-2542
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Latitude: 40.707202, Longitude: -73.670409

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Woitko

    Jennifer Woitko


  • Gary Foster

    Gary Foster


    Just like pearle vision completely useless business. They did not do their job. The nose pads dig into my wife's nose causing deep problems and possible scarring. The did not even fit her properly and the doctor is completely a waste. He adjusted them to sit so low on her nose like she is a librarian. First time she got them and they were not correct. Then she went back because of the pads and they adjusted like a joke. They don't care and have proven useless. So they took my money/insurance i break my ass to pay for every week and will not do anything about it. Do yourself a favor and do not go to these hacks and thieves. They are a joke. Like most they only care about taking your money and not taking care of the customer.

  • Jackie Botta

    Jackie Botta


  • en

    Cee M


    I have been going here for almost 19 years. I wouldn't choose anywhere else.

  • en

    Julia Oppedisano


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