House of Essence in Amityville

Vereinigte StaatenHouse of Essence



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525, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-842-7006
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.69031, Longitude: -73.420761

kommentare 5

  • Angelina Mascol

    Angelina Mascol


    I am new to going to this salon but not new to the locktician Princess who works there. She has been managing my head for a year now. I say manage because my hair loves growing wildly and I myself tend to move around a lot in the chair which can make for a difficult retwist. Lucky for me Princess is a professional and very patient. She washes and styles my hair every time I go and I have to say my hair has been growing much healthier and longer since being under her care. Her price is fair considering my length of hair and that she washes and styles it plus the extra effort she makes to tame my mane. I recommend her and House of Essence.

  • Shakeida McCullough

    Shakeida McCullough


    I was very comfortable. I love my hairstyle! I love the atmosphere in the salon! And Tanedra is a wonderful stylist! I was very satisfied!

  • Lamoy Walker

    Lamoy Walker


    This salon was amazing. Tash gave me a relaxer, treatment, & cut.. She was very professional & patient with me. Also very attentive and also gave me hair care tips on hair maintenance. House of Essence was a friendly & welcoming environment. I would recommend them to anyone & I’ll definitely be returning.

  • Danie Gordon

    Danie Gordon


    The ABSOLUTE BEST Hair Care!! Tash You Are the BEST!😘💝

  • en

    Wanda Tejeda


    If your looking for a place you can go to every time you want your hair done this is the place to go. The staff is wonderful and will make sure your satisfied with your hair. I highly recommend this place to anyone that likes having their weave slayed. Love house of essence !!

nächste Schönheitssalon

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