House of Blues Houston w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneHouse of Blues Houston



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1204, Caroline Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 888-402-5837
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Latitude: 29.7538477, Longitude: -95.3637968

komentarze 5

  • Justin Hatton

    Justin Hatton


    Had a great first experience at the HOB. Lucky to see Sum 41 at now my favorite venue. Great seating up in the balcony. The staff was very helpful and security was top notch, anytime there was an issue they took care of it timely and effectively. Was a bit louder than usual as I have only ever been to outdoor concerts, it was still quite enjoyable! Will definitely be coming back!

  • en

    susan holmes


    This restaurant has some of the best baby back ribs I have ever tasted. If you love soul food-this is THE place to go. If you have never tried soul food-this is the place to start looking soul food. Oh yeah, the music is good, too. Excellent service! This place produces a "wow" experience. A definite go on this restaurant

  • Melissa Padilla Wegner

    Melissa Padilla Wegner


    House of Blues is my absolute favorite live music venue in Houston. I attend many shows there over the year. They invite so many different artists and host plenty of other offerings as well. The bar staff are always friendly and fast with your drinks. Prices are better than other venues. What's best is you can always eat downstairs before the show and then work off your meal by dancing around upstairs. The seating in the venue is spacious and all views are great. I've been in other venues downtown where you feel squished and suffer from a momentary bout of vertigo, plus the stage seems so far away in the other venues.

  • Zachary Bumbaugh

    Zachary Bumbaugh


    We got there around lunch time and it was empty - perfect. We got the jalapeño cornbread and it came out perfectly: hot and not dry at all. I then ordered the hot chicken. It took a while to get, but I had nothing else to do. It was worth the wait. The outside was spicy and crispy and covered in honey, but the inside was tender and stayed moist during the frying process. Our waiter, Richard, was beyond gracious and accommodating. He came by multiple times to ask us if we needed refills and to ask us how we enjoyed the food.

  • Jesse DeLeon

    Jesse DeLeon


    Been a foundation room member for the last 5 years. Outstanding place to live, laugh and love! Always have top notch service with my waitress in the VIP section. My concierge always takes care of with the best placement of tables for every show. The drinks are always stiff too. The service , along with the food, is the definition of southern comfort 💜 I love bringing my friends and clients to enjoy good music at a great venue. Much love HOB!

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