Hot Wok en Jacksonville

Estados UnidosHot Wok



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7200, Normandy Boulevard, 32205, Jacksonville, Duval County, US Estados Unidos
contactos teléfono: +1 904-693-8881
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 30.2987813, Longitude: -81.7658204

comentarios 5

  • andrea ciallella

    andrea ciallella


    For some reason cashew chicken and cashew shrimp is the same price but coconut chicken is less than coconut shrimp. I don't get it.

  • Donnell Wyatt

    Donnell Wyatt


    Poor Sanitation habits. Watched her go from touching money to her personal phone to the restaurant phone to touching the food without washing her hands. Got a refund and will not be back.

  • en

    David Kennedy


    I called and when they answered the phone without even identifying themselves. proceeded with my order and my total was 13 dollars and change . I told her it was for delivery and was advised it was a minimum order of 15 dollars . well with the delivery fee makes 15 dollars and change . they force you to spend $15 plus $2 delivery fee. . she tried to charge me $3 for a 2 liter of soda and I nicely said no mam . She proceed to yelling in her badly broken english " I dont care whether you buy you food here or not.Asked to speak to the manager and she hung up in my face. I had this particular lady . very skinny cook my food before and it was raw inside.,so they placed her on phones. they have their kids behind the counter during working hours on the evenings and on weekends. Dont recomend eating there. Such nice customer service , and what do you think they do to the food .

  • Melanie Watts

    Melanie Watts


    Points for polite and fast service but the food is bland. The wonton had some kind of shriveled up meat instead of cream cheese and was too hard to eat. Just a greasy mess. Ugh.

  • en

    Kevin Page


    Good food and a fair price. Delivery experience is good as well. I prefer this restaurant over other Chinese places on Normandy.

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