Hot Topic i Wayne

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1400, Willowbrook Mall, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-890-7725
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8884512, Longitude: -74.2595439

kommentar 5

  • luz sotomayor

    luz sotomayor


    The staff was so kind with us. My son is collecting pops. They noticed his interested and took the extra time and effort to find everything he was looking for. We love to come hear. Thank you guys for your kindness.

  • Sans 518

    Sans 518


    super cool items and very unique store

  • en

    Michelle Villegas


    I love the items in the store and the staff has always been nice to me, but the phone just rings and rings and’s pretty aggravating when you’re trying to figure out if something is in stock in the store but no one wants to answer the phone. Even after you’ve been trying for the last 2 hours. It’s like they cut the cord or something.

  • Undeadbraindead



    The store workers were extremely rude to me, never shopping there again.

  • Draven YourInsides

    Draven YourInsides


    This hot topic has gone downhill so fast the workers are nasty now and the store has changed. There's too many mainstream things there now and the atmosphere is completely different than it used to be. It's closer to home but I'd rather travel to Garden state mall to buy something simple from hot topic than go to this one in willowbrook. The workers used to be happy to help and dressed nice from head to toe. Now there's plain workers and they don't even smile at you none of them seem to want to help either! One worker said the store changed to more vibrant things but then why wouldn't garden state change too?? It's just THIS ONE and it's so frustrating because it used to be my favorite but it's not the same here anymore I definitely do not recommend.

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