Horne Mazda w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneHorne Mazda



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7777, South Test Drive, 85284, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-405-3006
strona internetowej: www.hornemazda.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3469099, Longitude: -111.9662273

komentarze 5

  • en

    abhinav jain


    Horne Mazda helped me get the SUV that i have been wanting for so long... Juan was just fantastic from the moment we walked in till the time we finalized on everything... If you are going in give a shout out to him and let him take care of the rest to get the best deal possible... You won't be disappointed I bet.... Special shout to Shawn and Mike the Finance manager who figured out the best rate i got on it...

  • Yash Patil

    Yash Patil


    Great Experience and happy buying my car here! Alan was super helpful and knew a lot about the cars we were looking at and really worked with our budget. Would buy again!

  • en



    Everyone at Horne was courteous and helpful the entire time I was there. The initial phone call with Erik was helpful and informative, and when I showed up he had already set aside the vehicle about which I was inquiring. They answered all of my questions honestly and directly, and all of the paperwork we went over together was thoroughly explained. John in financing helped me get an even better payment than I was originally hoping for, plus additional assurances for the vehicle. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my visit to Horne and will recommend this team to anyone who asks.

  • en

    Margaret sprague


    Best experience I have ever had buying a car. Sergio Martinez made the whole process super easy and he was very knowledgeable about the car I was buying. I got a great deal on my new Mazda6 and was given a great price for my trade in . I never thought I would be able to own a new car with no miles, but Sergio was able to make it happen and I couldn't be more happy with the experience.

  • Jenny Lloyd

    Jenny Lloyd


    Unbelievable experience! Kahi helped me get the exact truck I wanted. His customer service skills are wonderful. He immediately made me feel at ease, he’s laid back and not pushy. He was a joy to work with and I HIGHLY recommend you ask for him by name. Ben, Karina and Mike were the cherry on top. I won’t go anywhere else to buy a used or new car. Thank you for getting me into my dream car!

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