Hopewell Dental PC i Hopewell Junction

Forenede StaterHopewell Dental PC



🕗 åbningstider

2603, New York 52, 12533, Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-221-7600
internet side: hopewelldentalpc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.5555177, Longitude: -73.7837538

kommentar 4

  • en

    Samar Ilaiyan


  • Clary Fray

    Clary Fray


  • Stephanie Carollo

    Stephanie Carollo


    LOVE!! They're the best!! Extremely nice and gentle. Best dentist ever and oral surgeon

  • en

    mike mike


    Horrible experiences with Neshwiewat and Shaw. I had work done on 4 teeth 3 of the teeth the fillings/crowns barely even held up for over a year before they fell out eating. the one tooth was pulled because the assistant gave Shaw a bigger size then was needed and cracked my tooth past the gum line. The 2 root canals i had i was in pain for over a week so bad i had to take off from work.. My current dentist (specialist) asked if i got the work done in a 3rd world country (this is no lie!) please steer clear of this place if i could sue i would have.

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