HOPE 46 Classic American Cuisine w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneHOPE 46 Classic American Cuisine



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2223, El Cajon Boulevard, 92104, San Diego, San Diego County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 619-780-0358
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7548278, Longitude: -117.1406848

komentarze 5

  • en



    Delicious food

  • John Paez

    John Paez


    To be quite honest, I'm disappointed I have to leave this place a 3-star review. When I arrived, I thought the place was the perfect brunch spot. The restaurant is flawless and sits next to the hotel pool. I was pretty excited. Even more excited to see the prices weren't astronomical. Then, the service... well, that wasn't as great. We waited around 15 minutes before I had to walk up to a server to ask for menus. We ordered and food took another hour and fifteen minutes to prepare. We rarely got asked how we were doing and had to hunt down a server for our check. Like I said, I tried to love it and wanted it to be a regular spot, but the poor service just cancels out the rest of the restaurant's charm.

  • Zac D

    Zac D


    Ordered the Lafayette Burger medium rare. It came out well done and the bacon was so tough I couldn't bite through it. Service was a bit slow, but it was 3pm and it's kinda expected. They added a $3 room service fee and 18% gratuity as well for 2 people, I'd prefer to make my own tip and wouldn't have got the meal charged to the room if I knew about the extra fee.

  • Ryan Perez

    Ryan Perez


    Tri tip was good

  • Jenny Woudenberg

    Jenny Woudenberg


    Chef Ryan will knock your socks off with his new divine food and drink creations! They so kindly donated their amazing gazpacho soup and ribs for CyberTECH's Good Neighbor - Taste of San Diego event that raised money for STEM education programs, The San Diego Food Bank, and workforce development for San Diegans. Go support them because their food is amazing, staff is very friendly, and they donate to great causes -- plus you will feel like a celebrity at the Lafayette!

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