Hopdoddy Burger Bar w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneHopdoddy Burger Bar



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2300, West 7th Street, 76107, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-270-2337
strona internetowej: www.hopdoddy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7512537, Longitude: -97.3506082

komentarze 5

  • Jon Snyder

    Jon Snyder


    Burgers we're good. Prices reasonable. Standing in line to order is a minus one star. After you order and find a table service was very good. Will go back or at least order for pickup.

  • Devon Norris

    Devon Norris


    Hopdoddy has great burgers at a reasonable price. I haven't been for drinks, and I did not go for a dine-in experience, but I imagine it's worthwhile given how busy the place has been since its opening. I ordered burgers to go, and they were very tasty. I'm interested in going back again.

  • en

    Jason Matthews


    Ok first the food is great. But the service sucked and the Sunday manager couldn't run around a track much less run a restaurant. We stood in line for 30 minutes waiting for someone to take orders. After we sat down it took another 25 minutes to receive our cold hamburgers with out the fries. Finished the burgers and never got the fries even after we asked about them. At least we got a refund for the MIA fries.

  • Sugar Hill

    Sugar Hill


    In my first visit I tried the hot chicken sandwich and parmesan truffle fries with black cherry soda. I thought the chicken has too much breading; too much for it to sit between a bun. It was fried very hard. The fries were good and there was plenty of them to share. I like that you're assigned a table while you wait in line and aren't left to figure it out on your own considering how busy they are. In summary...it's a burger joint.

  • Todd Hallbauer

    Todd Hallbauer


    The food was decent and the price was as expected for a restaurant in this area. They have a good assortment of burgers with various toppings. The fries seemed lacking to me. I know Parmesan truffle fries are trendy right now but I like fries that can stand out without a gimmick. They offer beers and have a soda fountain, but it doesn't have the standard drinks such as Dr Pepper and Coca Cola.

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