Hooks Lincoln w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneHooks Lincoln



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8900, West Freeway, 76108, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-596-0044
strona internetowej: www.hookslincoln.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7394488, Longitude: -97.4711403

komentarze 5

  • Karen Varnado

    Karen Varnado


    I absolutely loved my experience at Hooks Lincoln! We shopped around and stopped in at Hooks to take a look at Lincolns and Bob spoke with us and gave us every reason to come back to Hooks when we decided to buy and we are so glad we did, Bob was not in the day we went back but he set us up with Mark and Mark was so patient, answered all of our questions and made us feel so appreciated and made it clear that he and Hooks wanted us to be in love with our car and we certainly are! We love it and we will forever be loyal customers of Hooks Lincoln.

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    Pat Frantum


    Fast and very easy service. I still have one issue arriving from purchase date which is driver’s door. Apparently, the door is fixed as much as it can be and no one sees a problem with the sound when the door closes inside of the car plus wind coming in drivers door and none of this is a problem on the passenger side. Looks like interior wall where it meets may need to be replaced (the door edging). Guess I will have to live with it as service I told me (“It as good as it ever can be fixed”).

  • Roger Ward

    Roger Ward


    From the salespeople all the way up to the owner have treated us wonderful, are very knowledgeable about the vehicles they sell, and were willing to work around our schedule late in the evening. Definitely will be getting more business from us in the future! Additionally, they were well prepared having paperwork ready for us making our time there efficient and enjoyable. Also a previous visit to this dealerships service department was the best experience we had anywhere, and was the reason we came back to purchase another Lincoln. It definitely feels like the dealership is well run and the owner values the employees and customers like family.

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    Bo and Susan Frazier


    Hooks Lincoln does great work! We bought a used Ford Explorer there and they were able to perform recall work so I didn't have to go find a Ford dealership! While I was there they pointed out that I was only 200 miles away from needing an oil change. I was so glad they saved me an extra trip. The waiting area is comfortable for working, complete with counter space, comfortable chairs, complimentary coffee, and snacks. We love Hooks Lincoln so much we bought a used Nissan there too!

  • Don Thomasson

    Don Thomasson


    This is a small family dealership that caters to an upscale clientele. That said they treated me as if I was family. They were very friendly and courteous even though I was dressed in my Saturday grunge attire. I was very impressed with Mr. Joey Pierce all the way through the process. I would highly recommend this dealership to anyone looking for a late model vehicle. I was in today for a service appointment on the vehicle I purchased this past weekend and they preformed the service in just over an hour when I was expecting at least 2 hours. They were expecting me when I arrived at the appointed time. It is so nice when appointments are honored and kept. I would recommend this dealership for their service department.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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