Honeydew w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneHoneydew



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2825, Oak Lawn Avenue, 75219, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 832-497-6970
strona internetowej: honeydewusa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.807889, Longitude: -96.810749

komentarze 5

  • en

    Isabella Moore


    The quality of different clothes in this store is really amazing. I bought two T-shirts for my daughter last year from this store and my daughter still wears these T-shirts on the different occasions. I personally recommend this store for the buying of any product.

  • Arthur Quentin

    Arthur Quentin


    I want to thanks Honeydew for selling the good quality kid's clothes. My wife bought few clothes from this store and they looks so good on my baby girl. She also likes it a lot as the material used to make this clothes seems to be very soft and authentic. I would suggest other to go for this online store for buying a good quality kid's clothes.

  • en

    Tyler Roach


    My wife bought few dresses from this store and I must say they look so good on my daughter. When I asked about the price my wife told she bought it at very reasonable rates, even cheaper than the local store so I was amazed and checked the website and it was true. I would say those who are looking for the good quality kid's clothes at affordable rates must visit this store once.

  • Alyssa Atkins

    Alyssa Atkins


    I came to know about this store as my friend suggested me. I bought few clothes from this store. They really provide very good quality kids clothes at very affordable rates. Also, there is a wide range to choose. I really suggest others to try this kids store for once for getting a best looking kids clothes.

  • en

    Nathan Perez


    Very nice and affordable boutique for children. I found unique good quality baby clothes for my baby girl.

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