Honey Do Men i Carmel Hamlet

Forenede StaterHoney Do Men



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1995, U.S. 6, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-837-0411
internet side: www.honeydomen.com
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Latitude: 41.4119635, Longitude: -73.6607052

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edward Schefen


    We had Honey Do Men power wash the windows of our sunroom and hand wash the inside windows. They also cleaned our roof and gutters. They did an excellent job all around. And after the thorough cleaning they went around the house with a leaf blower and cleaned the decks. As usual they did a great job,

  • Rahiem Graham

    Rahiem Graham


    Darrell came out on 3/16 to mount a 40 lb mirror. Him and his partner not only did it quickly but they made it look really good mounting it at just the right height and using the perfect method. If there's anything you need done at home, Honey Do Men can definitely handle it. I will call them again.

  • en

    Barbara Beckmann


    I just used HoneyDoMen to refresh my basement recreation room - repair holes/cracks in the walls, enclose a metal support pole, repair doors, and paint throughout. Darryl discussed the project with me, helping me decide what to do and provided me a written estimate on the spot. The work done was excellent (led by Zjole), courteously and neatly done with minimal interruption to the household. I was told when the job concluded to look carefully in the light of the next day and to let them know if there were any touch ups needed. I spotted a few things and after exchanging texts with Darryl about it, the touch ups were done within hours. Very happy with the process and results!

  • en

    Jean Schuff


    Renovated downstairs bathroom and laundry room. They did beautiful work. Highly professional, they were dedicated to our job from start to finish. Both rooms look beautiful, and the laundry room is much more functional (based on their recommendations). Highly recommended.

  • en

    Teri A


    After much research to find someone to replace my walkway, I called Honey Do Men. Darrell came over to give me an estimate. Darrell promptly came over which impressed me as many of the masons I spoke with did not even show up when they said they would. He listened to my needs and was able to recommend the right design and materials for my walkway. The job was done very quickly and efficiently. It looks beautiful! The Honey Do Men team is very easy to work with. I will continue using them for future projects and I highly recommend them.

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