Honda of Staten Island en New York

Estados UnidosHonda of Staten Island



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250, Parkinson Avenue, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-720-0075
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.595008, Longitude: -74.082087

comentarios 5

  • Mohammad Khan

    Mohammad Khan


  • en

    Malva Malva


  • Eric Chiu

    Eric Chiu


    They get us died car battery to the car .I am very mad . 😡🖓.

  • en

    Michelle Esposito


    I am always afraid of taking my cars to mechanics because you always hear about them trying to pull one over on you or ending up doing more damage to the cars (and my cars are my babies!!). A few years ago I finally decided to give them a try when my dad's childhood friend mechanics retired. I am so glad I did and have been coming here to take care of my CRV and Civic ever since!! This dealership does quick beautiful work, and has some of the nicest employees I have ever met! They send great coupons to my house and have a very comfortable waiting area for you to sit and have some tea or coffee as you wait. They even let me know what jobs are not crucial at the moment to save me the time and money rather than trying to scam me the way some other mechanics have! I highly recommend them and I always say Samantha Pannazzo here is my hero, as she has taken the best care of my Honda babies!!! :)

  • en

    Usman Arshad


    He just make money he don't know what is respect very bad behavior

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