Home Furniture and More w Brentwood

Stany ZjednoczoneHome Furniture and More



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3554, Bladensburg Road, 20722, Brentwood, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-699-1330
strona internetowej: www.homefurnitureandmore.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.933752, Longitude: -76.9541659

komentarze 5

  • en

    Whisper Latson-Davis


    There was a lot of nice variety but I felt the prices were basically okay not great. My sister got great items. The sales man was a bit pushy but polite & eager to show and sell you something.Then they said they do price comparison and 1 year warranty on your furniture. Gotta recheck my budget and come back... They worked with my budget and dropped some prices like it was a sale. Next day delivery on items I bought and they are reasembling with a fee of course but I am extremely satisfied with the price, sale woman (Ms. Jacquelyn), purchase price...they reallive worked with me.

  • Monica Bailey Delissaint

    Monica Bailey Delissaint


    It's okay. Some of their prices are high. Found a cheaper price online & had to take it to the manager to get the price down. He included free delivery & setup.

  • en

    Ivan LG


    After going to FIVE different stores trying to find the best price around, I struck gold with these guys! Not only were they patient enough to help me find exactly what I was looking for, but they were able to get me set up with financing on the spot. I rarely leave reviews but I definitely think it's worth sharing how awesome they are! A+++

  • Debbie Williams

    Debbie Williams


    I really think this store has some very decent stuff, however the owner, manager or whomever the man is, he needs to remain behind the scene, he is very obnoxious and rude. His sales tactics are so way off and not very customer friendly. He lost a sale when I visited the store. So if you don't mind rude, obnoxious, and unfriendly salespersons, this is the place for you! I gave 4 stars for the merchandise and inventory in the store. He gets no star!

  • en

    Gloria Decosta


    I love this store!! I furnished my entire 2 bedroom apartment with their merchandise. I always ask for Eyo. He is such a genuine kind person and always looks out for your best interest. Their prices are most reasonable compared to other furniture stores and their items are extremely nice and unusual. I have recommended them to several of my friends.

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