Home Appliance in Oceanside

Vereinigte StaatenHome Appliance



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3050, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-678-1190
webseite: www.lihomeappliance.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6376214, Longitude: -73.6403311

kommentare 5

  • en

    Lori U


    Our salesperson Tommy was quite knowledgable and helpful. Competitive prices. I was pleased with the in-depth explanation of the installation process. Tommys installation process is much more detailed and precise than other places I have visited.

  • en

    Cynthia V


    Individualized attention and if you dont see what's on the floor Tommy L . Salesperson, will look in catalogs to suit your needs. He goes above and beyond to get the right appliance for your home. High quality products and every top name brand in appliances. This is a local appliance store but sells mattresses , bbqs and livingrooms too! I highly recommend Home Appliance for all your household appliances.

  • en

    Brian Zeidman


    Stay away from this horrible excuse for an appliance store. They are very nice when they are trying to get the sale but after that it’s all down hill. They will also over bill you for things that are supposed to be included in the price and then lie about and say it wasn’t included and bill you extra for it. Don’t expect any type of service either. Even though Jeff talks about how great his service is, it’s deplorable. Home appliance delivered a stove that was supposed to be brand new and cost almost $10,000 to my home that was scratched up and looked like it was a used product. I had to fight with Jeff for weeks to get it replaced and it was only when I called American Express and stopped the charge that he miraculously said Thermador was coming with a new stove. This would have never happened at a reputable place. Please learn a lesson from me and go to a reputable place like Best Buy or PC Richard and Son.

  • Dudly dude

    Dudly dude


    Much better price than other nearby appliance stores!

  • Neer Lazar

    Neer Lazar


    Great selection and excellent service, we keep coming back for all of our home appliance needs.

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