Hollister Co. i Paramus

Forenede StaterHollister Co.



🕗 åbningstider

700, Paramus Park, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-262-5200
internet side: www.hollisterco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9571153, Longitude: -74.0690864

kommentar 5

  • R David Koby

    R David Koby


    Nice California styled casual clothing and beach attire for young men and women. Although the focus is on the younger set, there are choices for the young at heart as well. Reasonable prices. Warm low light interior is broken up into little shopping alcoves which is a bit novel.

  • W R

    W R


    Awesome radical clothing

  • en

    Ryan Hanys


    Cloths are great but the facility is insanely dusty. As soon as you walk in dust just flies up in your face and the lighting dosnt make it any better. Line is always long and Theres rarely ever more than two registers open.

  • en

    Cole Walker


    Great staff

  • Marc Gonzalez

    Marc Gonzalez


    Kinda hard to find this Hollister and once you're there, if the store is even somewhat full, plan on spending a considerable amount of time on line. Not my first Hollister of choice

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