HobbyTown USA w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneHobbyTown USA



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3700, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-882-8888
strona internetowej: www.hobbytown.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2359069, Longitude: -110.9129886

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joseph Godwin


    A rather complete hobby store with an emphasis on R/C - cars, planes and boats. Although slightly higher than others, they offer a wide variety of kits and parts. Whether you're into gas power or electric, they will most likely have it.

  • en

    les snyder


    Impressive inventory. Spendy but the hobby itself dictates prices. Had everything I needed plus lots I wanted but didn't need. When purchasing there, there's no wait for the mailman. I'll go back.

  • Jason DeFelice

    Jason DeFelice


    took my son and another hobbyist friend. The store itself has a great selection. A little bit of everyrhing. This trip I was looking into a RC plane. The problem was the staff, from the moment we walked to the door till we walked out emptied handed( this happens when no one helps you)none of them seemed to care. The store was not busy and the two employees sitting behind tje counter never even recognized our existence from a simple greeting, too" a how may I help you", "is there anything I can do for you today", and a pleasant goodbye. If I want to shop with out human interaction then thank goodness for Amazon. Will not be back to Hobby town again.

  • en

    Allen Reeder


    Best Store in town for any R/C need, probably the only actual one that offers race quality. Been coming here for a while and the staff always is helpful and nice, and they don't suggest the high priced name brand items either which is a plus for some on more budget wise plans. I want to check their prices on RTR cars so we'll see soon! :)

  • en

    nick baker


    Have been here many times...bought multiple RTF model planes (and a hefty amount of replacement and upgrade parts) and every time I've been there, the staff has been helpful and friendly. I also found their prices either on par with or cheaper than online...but never more within my experience. I also remember the racetrack when I was younger, although I haven't had the chance to watch or race recently. 10/10 would recommend as a local hobby place over anything else I've found in town.

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