H&M w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneH&M



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2001, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-466-7467
strona internetowej: www.hm.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6247855, Longitude: -73.9207566

komentarze 5

  • Melyssa Sava

    Melyssa Sava


    Store is very well set up with great clearance

  • en

    Deborah Barksdale


    H&M has good looking clothing and excellent prices. Just wish they would last longer

  • Lynn Saucy

    Lynn Saucy


    Never can find anyone for help. And when you finially do find an employee for help, they act like your bothering them. Store is messy and things aren't merchandised correctly. Better off shopping at Express! Same style, better quality for about the same price!

  • en

    Torni 3945


    Rude Hispanic male employee with the man bun working at the register.

  • Jon Sheehan

    Jon Sheehan


    Great clothing store in a nice mall. My wife frequently shops there and always finds something for her or our daughter. Do NOT buy from H&M online and expect to return to the brick and mortar store because they do NOT accept returns from online purchases. Also, good luck trying to return purchases if you don't have the identical credit card used to purchase. AMEX has different numbers on cards from same account, so they wouldn't credit my AMEX even though it was same account. They WILL give you store credit. The team out there today was totally unhelpful. If you fit in their rules, good for you, but if not, don't expect much help, which was my experience. If you can work around these deficiencies, you may find some nice clothes. Prices are nothing to bark at either.

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