H&M i Yonkers

Forenede StaterH&M



🕗 åbningstider

195, Market Street, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 855-466-7467
internet side: www.hm.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9649744, Longitude: -73.8569837

kommentar 5

  • en

    Benjamin Leser


    walked around the place for 20+ min and didn't see a single employee? jeez

  • Liz Vasquez

    Liz Vasquez


    Really needs improvement on staff members. Poorly managed store

  • Johnese Greene

    Johnese Greene


    My last experience was unprofessional. Staff members were rude and gave misleading information when presented with a simple question.

  • gee lopez

    gee lopez


    Very poor staff, I used to work here for 4years it was going to be.I worked so hard to try to get promoted and they never promoted me to the position I wanted I wudnt recommend anyone shopping here or working here the employees r not good with helping customers at all..If I ever shopped at Hm it wud be palisades mall only..I know nobody wud care about the company the way I did and they fired me for a stupid reason

  • en

    Lyrik Events


    OK experience, I've been to other locations w more friendly, helpful associates but I still found everything I needed with ease here

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