Hitesh Narain w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneHitesh Narain


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

155, East Woodside Avenue, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-758-6565
strona internetowej: www.svprofessional.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7960444, Longitude: -72.9908097

komentarze 3

  • en

    Jazmine Miller


    Worst experience here. I was prescribed something that I was deathly allergic to. Never came back after and I dont understand how they are still in business. Staff is extremely rude and unorganized

  • en

    Marie Sanders


    Staff is VERY rude. This whole place definitely does not care about the patients well being. Seems as if you are diagnosed with whatever comes to mind first.. Without looking further. Id advise not to go here !

  • sissyface mewmew

    sissyface mewmew


    Im not finicky by any means when it comes to gynos but this place . . . OMG. I was asked to undress and wait for the Dr, (totally normal) When Dr Narain arrived he was completely unfriendly quickly saying hello before immediately jumping to the exam. After a few minutes he stood up told me to get dressed and meet in his office. I felt like a cattle in a meat packing plant. He never asked if i had any questions (which i did) until i was in the office where he threw a bunch of paperwork and prescriptions for more exams at me. I told him i DID have questions and when i brought them up he had me go back into the exam room to re evaluate me because he never asked anything of me while we were JUST THERE. I thought the whole experience was horrible, rushed and uncomfortable. He made me feel as if i was unimportant and just an inconvenience to his day. The kicker was how he demanded i closed his door all the way as I exited his office. He was a highly unpleasant man and clearly needs to evaluate his career choice cause unfortunately for him and all in contact with him people are going to be a big part of his job. You cant treat people like they are just another annoying number in your life. Screw this place and screw Dr Narain

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