HipCityVeg w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneHipCityVeg



🕗 godziny otwarcia

712, 7th Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-621-8057
strona internetowej: hipcityveg.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8989514, Longitude: -77.0220714

komentarze 5

  • E Raubach

    E Raubach


    If you're craving (vegan) fast food, look no further than HipCityVeg. I'm a big fan of the various "chicken" dishes, but so far all of the stuff I have tried has been good. Their ranch dressing is so good. I generally get the sweet potato fries as well, which makes for a rather pricey meal (~$16), but hey, it's pretty tasty.

  • Jennifer Bunnell

    Jennifer Bunnell


    First time here, food is outstanding! It's so refreshing to see more healthy and sustainable plant based food options, especially for a quick bite. Staff is friendly, helpful, and fast. Line for lunch was out the door when I arrived, however I had food in my hand within 12 minutes. I would agree with most other reviewers on the fact that seating is extremely limited, so plan on carrying out if you are in a group.

  • Jeevan Nalli

    Jeevan Nalli


    Great vegetarian restaurant! They serve burgers/wraps, with fake meat that is actually pretty good. The sauces they use in them are also quite good. All of their wrappers and utensils are compostable, so can feel good about eating there. If you go there, seating is kind of limited, and the place seems to fill up quickly.

  • Allison Lau

    Allison Lau


    I have come here several times over the past year, and this is a solid establishment. This fast-casual restaurant is plant-based and offers many gluten free options. Even with long lines, the service is reasonably quick. The staff is helpful and friendly. Some of the portion sizes are on the smaller side. I enjoy the sweet potato fries, juices, and their burgers. They have some spicy options as well. There is limited seating!

  • Samantha L

    Samantha L


    Great place! The workers are so nice and so are the customers. Great vibe. I hope they can one day move to a bigger joint with more seats. I come here every couple months whenever I come to DC, even if I have to go across the other side of town!! This place is one of a kind.

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