High Velocity w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneHigh Velocity



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10, South West Street, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 317-860-6500
strona internetowej: www.highvelocityindy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.766017, Longitude: -86.1674605

komentarze 5

  • Naresh Kumar

    Naresh Kumar


    Decent hotel bar and grill. Friendly staff. Didn't have the beer I picked from the drink menu. They didn't have enough drink menus and asked us if we could give one of our two away (we were a table of 8). They can't seat parties greater than 12 without a reservation, and luckily our whole party didn't show up. Otherwise good service. Average food options. Plenty of alternatives within walking distance.

  • en

    Heather Apel


    This is a nice restaurant in downtown Indianapolis located within the JW Marriott. The food was good as was the service. To the average person it may seem a bit overpriced, as a glass of iced tea was $4, but this restaurant caters to business travelers and others on a more high end scale.

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    Carly Franczak


    The staff is beyond friendly and engaging. Paige the front host/manager is genuine, fun and makes you want to keep coming back. Aside from the staff, the food is amazing!

  • Tony T

    Tony T


    The nachos are awesome. The breaded pork tenderloin is well-prepared big sandwich made with spicy coleslaw. The Angus burger is well prepared lettuce tomato pickles and onion. Would recommend to come and eat here when your in downtown Indianapolis.

  • en

    Elijah Riley


    There I was, I just finished spectating one of the most fantastic Indiana Girls State Swimming competitions the great state of Indiana has ever seen. I was with 30 of my favorite teammates, nay, family members. As we all entered the extremely inefficient revolving door that almost concussed me, the waitress greeted us- based on the reservation we had previously made. We all readied to feast on our great meals, that was until the worst news I’ve ever heard was delivered- they were unable to serve us. We frantically changed our plans in an attempt to salvage the dreams and hopes that we had before we were the butt end of poor planning. Although I am of no stature and authority to review the food, since I have not eaten there, making a review solely on the basis of morality is something that I have the resume to do. All I can say is that I, as a decent human being, was dissapointed and underwhelmed. It pains me to be writing this review but- 1 star.

najbliższy Bar

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