High Fashion Home w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneHigh Fashion Home



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3100, Travis Street, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-528-3838
strona internetowej: www.highfashionhome.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.74268, Longitude: -95.377957

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sarah White


    Deborah was a joy to work with! I needed a specific coffee table for a client quick and didn’t realize HFH is local to Houston, enabling me to pick up the item or have it delivered! She was able to answer all of my questions and processed the order for me over the phone! Definitely recommend and I’m excited to have a new local spot for my design needs!

  • Alexander Burch

    Alexander Burch


    Excellent experience. Great quality furniture pieces. Fair prices. When a drawer of the night stand I purchased turned out to be damaged, HF submitted a claim on my behalf and followed up through completion. I will be buying from HF again no doubt. Thanks HF!

  • Ali Mendiola

    Ali Mendiola


    I bought a framed painting from here. I had to order it because the item was not in stock. I worked with Jonnelly. She was wonderful. I had her cell phone number and easy access to text her regarding a shipment and delivery date. She was also quick to respond and very pleasant to work with. I recommend her as well as the High Fashion homes products.

  • Mayra Romero

    Mayra Romero


    My High Fashion Homes purchase was very personalized. I went to the store and picked out a couch. (Cooper Sectional) Deborah, a customer service specialist helped me check if the couch was in stock and set up the delivery of it. She was so helpful and assured me I would get the couch just in time for the holidays. The delivery was very smooth. I love my Cooper Sectional it is a perfect living room piece for entertaining and so comfy and cozy. The prices at High Fashion home are reasonable and fit my style and taste. The store in Houston has so many pieces to view and can give you a great idea of what it will look in your home. Look out for their yearly tent sales - you can find some really awesome deals on furniture. Ask for Deborah she's helpful and will help you get exactly what you need.

  • en

    britne Johnson


    I had the pleasure of being assisted with a sales representative by the name of Veronica. She’s so helpful! I designed several rooms in my home with High Fashion Home and on every visit she assisted me. She’s very patient, dedicated and passionate. I’m a very picky person and it didn’t seem to bother her. She was up for the challenge every time. She made my shopping experience so much fun. Thanks Veronica and High Fashion home for the great customer service!

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