HIDE w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneHIDE



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2816, Elm Street, 75226, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-396-8050
strona internetowej: hide.bar
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7846563, Longitude: -96.782909

komentarze 5

  • Gabriel Subia

    Gabriel Subia


    Awesome awesome drinks! Flavorful and balanced. Great service, nice ambience. Go there and get their version of an Old Fashioned. It's strong but good.

  • en

    Vera Andrews


    I had a great date night here! I noticed a lot of couples meeting up here for drinks.. They have a good happy hour and super cheap bar snacks.. great craft drinks. The bar tender is nice and the vibe is nice and I'll definitely come again.

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    Allen U


    Nice place to relax and chill...even on a Tuesday like today it was the vibe I wanted. It’s in deep ellum so it’s usually busy in the area on the weekends. The drink menu was pretty extensive..I got a few cocktails which were good. The best part part was the atmosphere because the vibe is good for solo drinks, dates, and groups...I noticed all 3 of those types here. Bartender was nice too.

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    Steve Spitts


    I go to HIDE whenever I am in Dallas. It is absolutely my favorite of all the Deep Ellum bars. In fact, I would say it is my favorite of all the bars in Dallas that I have been to. I am a big fan of the Old Fashioned which comes in the flash with a branded orange peel and when it is hot I love the Gin and Tonic. Keep up the great work HIDE!

  • Jordan McGowen

    Jordan McGowen


    We went on a Thursday night with a large group and it was pretty busy. I think it's a great spot for a double date but not for more than 6 people since the bar had people sitting everywhere so it was hard to get drinks. They have a great cocktail menu with unique options but be prepared to spend ~$13/drink. I had one with mezcal and some other smokey charcoal stuff and it was delicious.

najbliższy Bar

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