Hidden Lakes Dental Care w Bolingbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneHidden Lakes Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

680, West Boughton Road, 60440, Bolingbrook, Will County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 630-759-0077
strona internetowej: www.hiddenlakesdental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.707354, Longitude: -88.092897

komentarze 5

  • Celeste



    I had a medical emergency that needed immediate care. My appointment ended being a very expensive consult and over $300 x-ray of one tooth. I was asked to schedule a second appointment. Initially I was rushed through signing paperwork because the doctor was ready to see me. I scheduled a second appointment which I ended having to cancel the same day. I’m now being charged $75 for canceling the one appointment. I called and asked if they could make a one time exception and remove the charge as I was rushed through signing paperwork and really didn’t know. I know now moving forward. They refused to drop the charge. I was sent to collection with an additional $25 late fee. You would think the receptionist would’ve at least warned me about the cancellation fee when I called to cancel. I’m a nurse in the healthcare field and this truly shows they are in for the money. Shining Smiles is a very good dentistry. I used to go to the one in Riverside and found one in Bolingbrook. They are very caring and understanding and they work with your budget. Plus, the place looks amazing and they offer water and coffee while you wait.

  • Jeff Carie

    Jeff Carie


    I would no longer recommend this practice to anyone. After being a patient of this office for 19+ years out of the blue we received a call last night that our insurance will no longer be honored and it will cost 150.00 out of pocket for a routine cleaning. My wife was just in the office on January 2 and not one person said a word about this. Very disappointed At this poor patient care. My wife is in the middle of several procedures and now must seek care elsewhere. Beware!

  • Rovak Services

    Rovak Services


    We have been doing business with Hidden Lakes Dental for years. They are simply the best! We hope you all have a great 2023!




    Dr Bachinski always listens and advise the best treatment to obtain superb results. The staff is personable and welcoming . Also the newly renovated waiting area is so warm and inviting.

  • Steve Whatcott

    Steve Whatcott


    It was my first time at Hidden Lakes Dental. They were well prepared ahead of time, knowing my situation. They did great to reinstall my crown and did great working and reworking until it fit perfectly. They were very friendly, professional and did a very good service for a very reasonable price.

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